Кристина Е.цитирует6 месяцев назад

Диалог первый: переезд на новое место жительства

- Wow, it looks like someone new has arrived in our town. What’s your name?
- My name is Mike, Michael Wilkins. What is your name?
- Nice to meet you. I’m Sarah, Sarah Parker. How old are you?
- I am twenty. I just turned twenty two weeks ago.
- I am twenty-one. I saw a lot of people getting out of your van. Is your family big?
- Oh, yeah. I have a big family. I live with my mother, father and two sisters. My grandparents also live with us, but they haven’t arrived yet. We also have other relatives in this town. My aunt and my uncle live here with their children.
- That’s great! My family isn’t very big. I live with my mother and brother. By the way, where are you living?
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