Philipp_VIIцитирует2 года назад
Indeed in the case of most pains let this re­mark of Epi­curus aid thee, that pain is neither in­tol­er­able nor ever­last­ing, if thou bearest in mind that it has its lim­its, and if thou ad­dest noth­ing to it in ima­gin­a­tion: and re­mem­ber this too, that we do not per­ceive that many things which are dis­agree­able to us are the same as pain, such as ex­cess­ive drowsi­ness, and the be­ing scorched by heat, and the hav­ing no ap­pet­ite. When then thou art dis­con­ten­ted about any of these things, say to thy­self, that thou art yield­ing to pain.

Overcoming pain

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