Марго Соловьевацитирует5 месяцев назад
"Yes, yes, I know," said Valancy impatiently, "What's the use of going into that now? I can't undo this year. God knows I wish I could. I've tricked Barney into marrying me—and he's really Bernard Redfern. Dr. Redfern's son, of Montreal. And his father wants him to go back to him."

Uncle Benjamin made a queer sound. Cousin Stickles took her black-bordered handkerchief away from her eyes and stared at Valancy. A queer gleam suddenly shot into Mrs. Frederick's stone-grey orbs.

"Dr. Redfern—not the Purple Pill man?" she said.

Valancy nodded. "He's John Foster, too—the writer of those nature books."
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