Виталий П.цитирует9 месяцев назад
then sug­ges­ted a method of do­ing the busi­ness without the gov­ernor, by or­ders on the trust­ees of the Loan of­fice, which, by law, the Assembly had the right of draw­ing. There was, in­deed, little or no money at that time in the of­fice, and there­fore I pro­posed that the or­ders should be pay­able in a year, and to bear an in­terest of five per­cent. With these or­ders I sup­posed the pro­vi­sions might eas­ily be pur­chased. The Assembly, with very little hes­it­a­tion, ad­op­ted the pro­posal. The or­ders were im­me­di­ately prin­ted, and I was one of the com­mit­tee dir­ec­ted to sign and dis­pose of them. The fund for pay­ing them was the in­terest of all
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