YEVGENY ALEXEYITCH PODZHAROV, the jeune premier, a graceful, elegant young man with an oval face and little bags under his eyes, had come for the season to one of the southern towns of Russia, and tried at once to make the acquaintance of a few of the leading families of the place. "Yes, signor," he would often say, gracefully swinging his foot and displaying his red socks, "an artist ought to act upon the masses, both directly and indirectly; the first aim is attained by his work on the stage, the second by an acquaintance with the local inhabitants. On my honour, parole d'honneur, I don't understand why it is we actors avoid making acquaintance with local families. Why is it? To say nothing of dinners, name-day parties, feasts, soirées fixes, to say nothing of these entertainments, think of the moral influence we may have on society! Is it not agreeable to feel one has dropped a spark in some thick skull? The types one meets! The women! Mon Dieu, what women! they turn one's head! One penetrates into some huge merchant's house, into the sacred retreats, and picks out some fresh and rosy little peach— it's heaven, parole d'honneur!" The most famous and inspirational works of Anton Pavlovich Chehov include The Cherry Orchard, The Seagull, Three Sisters, A Murder, Uncle Vanya, A Dead Body, The Duel, A Doctor's visit, Ward No. 6, The Looking-Glass, The Black Monk, The Bishop, The Slander, The Petchenyeg, Old Age, Darkness, The Beggar, A Story Without a Title, In Trouble, Frost, Minds in Ferment, Gone Astray, An Avenger, The Jeune Premier, A Defenceless Creature, An Enigmatic Nature, A Happy Man, A Troublesome Visitor, An Actor's End and many more.