A Midsummer Night's Dream

The Poems

Songs of Innocence and of Experience


101 Great American Poems

Christmas Day

The Waste Land

The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

Ring out, wild bells

Selected works of T.S. Eliot

When I saw your face, I said: “Give praise to God!” (with music)

Dull, the world is dull (with music)

Sand and Foam

Both worlds within my compass come, but this world cannot compass me (with music)

From one who trades his tongue I turn away in disgust (with music)

From your lips. O love, the living waters flow (with music)

Al Aaraaf

I take the Merciful One’s shape, the Merciful I am (with music)

For a fig you sold your love. Its proper price you did not know (with music)

O love, now you are gone, of soul in body what need have I? (with music)