
Bram Stoker


8 ноября 184720 апреля 1912

He was born Abraham Stoker in 1847 at 15 Marino Crescent — then as now called "The Crescent" — in Fairview, a coastal suburb of Dublin, Ireland. His parents were Abraham Stoker and the feminist Charlotte Mathilda Blake Thornely. Stoker was the third of seven children. Abraham and Charlotte were members of the Clontarf Church of Ireland parish and attended the parish church (St. John the Baptist located on Seafield Road West) with their children, who were both baptised there.Stoker was an invalid until he started school at the age of seven — when he made a complete and astounding recovery. Of this time, Stoker wrote, "I was naturally thoughtful, and the leisure of long illness gave opportunity for many thoughts which were fruitful according to their kind in later years."After his recovery, he became a normal young man, even excelling as an athlete (he was named University Athlete) at Trinity College, Dublin (1864 — 70), from which he graduated with honours in mathematics. He was auditor of the College Historical Society and president of the University Philosophical Society, where his first paper was on "Sensationalism in Fiction and Society".In 1876, while employed as a civil servant in Dublin, Stoker wrote a non-fiction book (The Duties of Clerks of Petty Sessions in Ireland, published 1879) and theatre reviews for The Dublin Mail, a newspaper partly owned by fellow horror writer J. Sheridan Le Fanu. His interest in theatre led to a lifelong friendship with the English actor Henry Irving. He also wrote stories, and in 1872 "The Crystal Cup" was published by the London Society, followed by "The Chain of Destiny" in four parts in The Shamrock.In 1878 Stoker married Florence Balcombe, a celebrated beauty whose former suitor was Oscar Wilde. The couple moved to London, where Stoker became business manager (at first as acting-manager) of Irving's Lyceum Theatre, a post he held for 27 years. The collaboration with Irving was very important for Stoker and through him he became involved in London's high society, where he met, among other notables, James McNeil Whistler, and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. In the course of Irving's tours, Stoker got the chance to travel around the world.The Stokers had one son, Irving Noel, who was born on December 31, 1879.Bram Stoker died in 1912, and was cremated and his ashes placed in a display urn at Golders Green Crematorium. After Irving Noel Stoker's death in 1961, his ashes were added to that urn. The original plan had been to keep his parents' ashes together, but after Florence Stoker's death her ashes were scattered at the Gardens of Rest.


Ольгаделится впечатлением2 месяца назад

Очень понравилась история, под конец было совсем не оторваться. На осень-зим чтиво — то, что нужно.

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    Впервые слушала Дракулу в оригинале, даже предположить не могла, что мне НАСТОЛЬКО понравится!!! Британский английский в исполнении читающего просто услада для ушей ❤️ Даже если кто-то не владеет свободно английским, все равно советую послушать, чтобы хотя бы просто узнать, как звучит британский английский.
    Ну а насчёт самой книги: Дракула - это классика, любимое произведение, которое я могу перечитывать (а теперь и переслушивать) бессчетное количество раз. Есть в готических романах что-то бесконечно притягательное, и Дракула лишний раз доказывает это. Тут тебе и приключения, и мистика, и любовь, и детектив, и Лондон конца 19 века, и даже несколько элементов ужасов - здесь есть всё, но самое главное, что это самое «всё» идеально сбалансировано друг с другом.
    К прочтению/прослушиванию рекомендую всем!

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    Must read

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