Цитаты из книги автора  Любовник леди Чаттерлей = Lady Chatterley's Lover

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But that is how men are! Ungrateful and never satisfied. When you don’t have them they hate you because you won’t; and when you do have them they hate you again, for some other reason.
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Then he was pronounced a cure, and could return to life again, with the lower half of his body, from the hips down, paralysed for ever.
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But that is how men are! Ungrateful and never satisfied. When you don’t have them they hate you because you won’t; and when you do have them they hate you again, for some other reason. Or for no reason at all, except that they are discontented children, and can’t be satisfied whatever they get, let a woman do what she may.
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love had gone through them
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let life take its course
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he was really so proud, though he pretended to be flippant about it.
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there is now no smooth road into the future: but we go round, or scramble over the obstacles.
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What the eye doesn’t see and the mind doesn’t know, doesn’t exist.
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were rushed home
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She was perfectly dim and dazed, looking down in a sort of amazement at the rather tender nape of his neck, feeling his face pressing her thighs. In all her burning dismay, she could not help putting her hand, with tenderness and compassion, on the defenceless nape of his neck, and he trembled, with a deep shudder.