Похожие на книгу автора  The Advance of English Poetry in the Twentieth Century

T.S.Eliotи др.
A Brief History of the English Language and Literature, Vol. 2
A Brief History of the English Language and Literature, Vol. 2
Per Amica Silentia Lunae
Per Amica Silentia Lunae
William Butler Yeats
The Poetics of Aristotle
The Poetics of Aristotle
History of American Literature
History of American Literature
Reuben Post Halleck
Six Centuries of English Poetry / Tennyson to Chaucer
Six Centuries of English Poetry / Tennyson to Chaucer
James Baldwin
Harvard Classics Volume 28 / Essays English and American
Harvard Classics Volume 28 / Essays English and American
Charles Eliot
T.S.Eliotи др.
Aesthetic Poetry
Aesthetic Poetry
Walter Pater
A Grammar of the English Tongue
A Grammar of the English Tongue
Samuel Johnson
The Hundred Best English Poems
The Hundred Best English Poems
A History of English Literature
A History of English Literature
Robert Huntington Fletcher
English Literature / Its History and Its Significance for the Life of the English-Speaking World
English Literature / Its History and Its Significance for the Life of the English-Speaking World
William J.Long
Poems 1918–21, Including Three Portraits and Four Cantos
Poems 1918–21, Including Three Portraits and Four Cantos
Ezra Pound
Seven Poems and a Fragment
Seven Poems and a Fragment
William Butler Yeats
Byron's Poetical Works, Volume 1
Byron's Poetical Works, Volume 1
Lord George Gordon Byron
Brief History of English and American Literature
Brief History of English and American Literature
Henry A.Beers
Leaves of Grass
Leaves of Grass
Walt Whitman
Some Imagist Poets / An Anthology
Some Imagist Poets / An Anthology
Richard Aldington
Responsibilities & Other Poems
Responsibilities & Other Poems
William Butler Yeats