She was deeply religious—at six years of age Religion is easy to come by—and sorely divided between her natural love for Black Sheep and her love for Aunty Rosa, who could do no wrong.
Plain Tales from the Hills
Father, mother, sister, and brother all played and worked together with rare combination of sympathetic gifts.
"The end shall be as it was in the beginning,
And they would go down the road and begin again on the old, old refrain—that whatever came or did not come the children of men must not be afraid.
"You can sing beautifully, Leo," said she, as a wife will to her husband.
when a ship finds herself all the talking of the separate pieces ceases and melts into one voice, which is the soul of the ship.
So they were left in the middle of Australia, Old Man Kangaroo and Yellow-Dog Dingo, and each said, "That's your fault."
Punch and Judy, through no fault of their own, had lost all their world.