“The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” is the first book in the Oz series by L. Frank Baum, one of the most famous children's books in the world. Perhaps everyone knows the story of Dorothy, a girl from a small farm in Kansas. One day, a hurricane takes Dorothy and her little dog along with her house far, far away, to a fairy-tale land. To get home, Dorothy must go through a difficult journey, where she will meet new friends, help the inhabitants of the land of Oz and learn to work real miracles! The novel was published in 1900.
Очень добрая и милая сказка.Читала на английском легко, хотя уровень моего английского оставляет желать лучшего. Много смотрела мультфильмов и фильмов,а вот руки до прочтения сказки не дотягивались. Ну, вот в 17 лет-то и дотянулись😇😋
"That is because you have no brains" answered the girl. "No matter how dreary and gray our homes are, we people of flesh and blood would rather live there than in any other country, be it ever so beautiful. There is no place like home."