Marie CorelliСкорбь сатаны / The sorrows of Satan. Уровень 4
Талантливый писатель Джеффри Темпест — герой мистического романа Марии Корелли «Скорбь сатаны», прозябающий в нищете и мечтающий о богатстве. Но получив желаемое, станет ли он по-настоящему счастливым? Можно ли купить за деньги талант, любовь, искреннее восхищение или дружбу? Для удобства читателя текст сопровождается комментариями и кратким словарем. Предназначается для продолжающих изучать английский язык (уровень 4 — Upper-Intermediate).
spent many sleepless hours at night in trying to write a new book. But the creative faculty seemed dead in me, I was crushed by a sense of impotence and failure. Early in April I made my first visit to Willowsmere. Lucio and I went down together. The first sight of the place filled me with delight and admir
woke at last with a convulsive shock. Staggering to my feet I stood in the black obscurity of my cabin. Frantic shoutings echoed above me on deck, – fiend-like yells that sounded now like triumph, now like despair, and again like menace. The yacht leaped to and fr
It is almost impossible for me to describe the feverish, irritated and contradictory state of mind in which I now began to pass my days. I plunged into the filth of life merely because to be morally dirty was also at the moment fashionable and m