Old French Fairy Tales
Comtesse de Sophie Ségur
Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales / First Series
Hans Christian Andersen
The Story of Norway
Hjalmar H.Boyesen
Grimms' Fairy Tales
Jakob Grimm
Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry
William Butler Yeats
The Sand-Hills of Jutland
Hans Christian Andersen
Heimskringla, or the Chronicle of the Kings of Norway
Snorri Sturluson
The Wind in the Willows
Kenneth Grahame
Europa's Fairy Book
Joseph Jacobs
Fairy Tales from Brazil / How and Why Tales from Brazilian Folk-Lore
Elsie Spicer Eells
The Book of Dragons
Edith Nesbit
Celtic Fairy Tales
Joseph Jacobs
Irish fairy tales
James Stephens
Folk-Lore and Legends / Scotland

English Fairy Tales
Flora Annie Steel
American Fairy Tales
Lyman Frank Baum
Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Andersen
Hans Christian Andersen
Beatrix Jungman
More Celtic Fairy Tales
The Norwegian Fjords
A.Heaton Cooper