The Colour Out of Space
«The Colour Out of Space» is a first-person narrative written from the perspective of an unnamed surveyor from Boston. In order to prepare for the construction of a new reservoir in Massachusetts, he surveys a rural area that is to be flooded near Lovecraft's fictional town of Arkham. He comes across a mysterious patch of land, an abandoned five-acre farmstead, which is completely devoid of all life.
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The Colour out of Space
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Жутко. Описано очень интересно, прочла за пару часов
It come from some place whar things ain't as they is here
Nothin'… nothin'… the colour… it burns… cold an' wet, but it burns… it lived in the well…
But he did not complete the walk, because what he sought was no longer there. It had come to meet him, and it was still alive after a fashion.
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