Похожие на книгу автора  Phrases for Public Speakers and Paragraphs for Study

English Synonyms and Antonyms. With Notes on the Correct Use of Prepositions
English Synonyms and Antonyms. With Notes on the Correct Use of Prepositions
James Champlin Fernald
Conversation / What to Say and How to Say it
Conversation / What to Say and How to Say it
Mary Greer Conklin
Harvard Classics Volume 28 / Essays English and American
Harvard Classics Volume 28 / Essays English and American
Charles Eliot
Practical Exercises in English
Practical Exercises in English
Huber Gray Buehler
An English Grammar
An English Grammar
James Witt Sewell
How to Write Clearly / Rules and Exercises on English Composition
How to Write Clearly / Rules and Exercises on English Composition
Edwin Abbott
The Art Of Writing & Speaking The English Language / Word-Study and Composition & Rhetoric
The Art Of Writing & Speaking The English Language / Word-Study and Composition & Rhetoric
Sherwin Cody
A Short System of English Grammar / For the Use of the Boarding School in Worcester
A Short System of English Grammar / For the Use of the Boarding School in Worcester
Henry Bate
Word Study and English Grammar / A Primer of Information about Words, Their Relations and Their Uses
Word Study and English Grammar / A Primer of Information about Words, Their Relations and Their Uses
Frederick W.Hamilton
Public Opinion
Public Opinion
Walter Lippmann
The Art of Public Speaking
The Art of Public Speaking
Dale Carnegie
Write It Right / A Little Blacklist of Literary Faults
Write It Right / A Little Blacklist of Literary Faults
Ambrose Bierce
The English Language
The English Language
Vocal Expression / A Class-book of Voice Training and Interpretation
Vocal Expression / A Class-book of Voice Training and Interpretation
Katherine Jewell Everts
Practical English Composition: Book II. / For the Second Year of the High School
Practical English Composition: Book II. / For the Second Year of the High School
Edwin L.Miller
The Elements of Style
The Elements of Style
William Strunk Jr.
How to Speak and Write Correctly
How to Speak and Write Correctly
Joseph Devlin
Lectures on Language / As Particularly Connected with English Grammar
Lectures on Language / As Particularly Connected with English Grammar
William Stevens Balch
The Century Vocabulary Builder
The Century Vocabulary Builder
Joseph M.Bachelor
The Grammar of English Grammars
The Grammar of English Grammars
Goold Brown