The whole question has been worked out and organized by wise men of old; they have made a Science of Life complete and perfect; and they have given to it the name of MAGICK. The old spelling MAGICK has been adopted throughout in order to distinguish the Science of the Magi from all its counterfeits. It is the chief secret of the Ancients, and if the keys have never been actually lost, they have certainly been little used. The holders of those keys have always kept very quiet about it. This has been especially necessary in Europe, because of the dominance of persecuting churches. We shall consider a simple form of magick, harmonized from many systems old and new, describing the various weapons of the Magician and the furniture of his temple. We shall explain to what each really corresponds, and discuss the construction and the use of everything. The Magician works in a Temple; the Universe, which is (be it remembered!) conterminous with himself.
There is no limit to what theologians call "wickedness." Only by experience can the student discover the ingenuity of the mind in trying to escape from control.
but once organization has taken place it is sacred. As Blake says: "Everything that lives is holy"; and hence the creation of life is the most sacred of tasks. It does not matter very much to the creator what it is that he creates; there is room in the universe for both the spider and the fly.
It is from the rubbish-heap of Choronzon that one selects the material for a god!
This is the ultimate analysis of the Mystery of Redemption, and is possibly the real reason of the existence (if existence it can be called) of form, or, if you like, of the Ego.
It is astonishing that this typical cry "I am I" is the cry of that which above all is not I.
It was that Master whose Will was so powerful that at its lightest expression the deaf