I shall distinguish these gentlemen by the name of
Simple Travellers.
Thus the whole circle of travellers may be reduced to the following HEADS:-
Idle Travellers, Inquisitive Travellers, Lying Travellers, Proud Travellers, Vain Travellers, Splenetic Travellers.
Then follow:
The Travellers of Necessity, The Delinquent and Felonious Traveller, The Unfortunate and Innocent Traveller, The Simple Traveller,
And last of all (if you please) The Sentimental Traveller, (meaning thereby myself) who have travell'd, and of which I am now sitting down to give an account,—as much out of NECESSITY, and the besoin de Voyager, as any one in the class.
nature generally prompting us to the thing we are fittest for,
When a man is discontented with himself, it has one advantage however, that it puts him into an excellent frame of mind for making a bargain.