John Ernst Steinbeck Jr. has been called «a giant of American letters”.His magnum opus The Grapes of Wrath, which epitomises the harrowing events of the Clutch Plague era, stirred widespread sympathy for the plight of migrant workers.Many of Steinbeck's works are set in the Salinas Valley of his childhood and they frequently explore themes of fate and the injustices suffered by their everyman protagonists. Featuring new original Illustrations by D. Fisher.
Casy said, “I been walkin’ aroun’ in the country. Ever’body’s askin’ that. What we comin’ to? Seems to me we don’t never come to nothin’. Always on the way. Always goin’ and goin’. Why don’t folks think about that? They’s movement now. People moving. We know why, an’ we know how. Movin’ ‘cause they got to. That’s why folks always move. Movin’ ‘cause they want somepin better’n what they got. An’ that’s the on’y way they’ll ever git it. Wantin’ it an’ needin’ it, they’ll go out an’ git it. It’s bein’ hurt that makes folks mad to fightin’. I been walkin’ aroun’ the country, an’ hearin’ folks talk like you
The sun lay on the grass and warmed it, and in the shade under the grass the insects moved, ants and ant lions to set traps for them, grasshoppers to jump into the air and flick their yellow wings for a second, sow bugs like little armadillos, plodding restlessly on many tender feet.