This book collects a magnificent set of works by Russian classical authors: Alexander Pushkin, Nikolai Gogol, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Anton Chekhov, Leo Tolstoy, Mikhail Bulgakov. Each original story, springing from a common creative heritage, delivers a glimpse of the immortal Russian Soul and has influenced modern literary trends. These stories are interesting to their core and will bring pleasure to readers. Get ready to immerse yourself within these immortal works that have long been counted among the best of classic world literature: Fyodor Dostoevsky. The Dream of a Ridiculous Man, Fyodor Dostoevsky. Notes from the Underground, Ivan Turgenev. First Love, Alexander Pushkin. The Queen of Spades, Leo Tolstoy. The Death of Ivan Ilyich, Leo Tolstoy. A Russian Christmas Party, Anton Chekhov. The Wife, Anton Chekhov. A Dead Body, Anton Chekhov. The Beggar, Leonid Andreyev. The Little Angel, Nikolai Gogol. The Nose, Nikolai Gogol. The Cloak, Nikolai Gogol. The Mantle, Mikhail Bulgakov. The Embroidered Towel — from A Young Doctor's Notebook and others.CONTENTS: Fyodor Dostoyevsky — THE DREAM OF A RIDICULOUS MANNOTES FROM THE UNDERGROUNDTHE CHRISTMAS TREE AND THE WEDDINGIvan Turgenev — MUMUFIRST LOVETHE DISTRICT DOCTORAleksandr Kuprin — THE OUTRAGEAlexander Pushkin -THE QUEEN OF SPADESLeo Tolstoy — A LETTER TO A HINDUTHE DEATH OF IVAN ILYICHGOD SEES THE TRUTH, BUT WAITSA RUSSIAN CHRISTMAS PARTYAnton Chekhov — THE WIFETHE SLANDERTHE HORSE-STEALERSTHE PETCHENYEGA DEAD BODYA HAPPY ENDINGTHE LOOKING-GLASSOLD AGEDARKNESSTHE BEGGARIN TROUBLEFROSTMINDS IN FERMENTGONE ASTRAYTHE AVENGERTHE JEUNE PREMIERA DEFENCELESS CREATUREAN ENIGMATIC NATUREA HAPPY MANA TROUBLESOME VISITORAN ACTOR'S ENDVANKAA COUNTRY COTTAGEFAT AND THINNERVESTHE DOCTORABOUT LOVEA LOTTERY TICKETLeonid Andreyev — THE LITTLE ANGELLAZARUSMaxim Gorky — ONE AUTUMN NIGHTHER LOVERMikhail Bulgakov — THE EMBROIDERED TOWELNikolai Gogol — CHRISTMAS EVETHE NOSEA MAY NIGHTTHE CLOAKTHE VIY
Each original story, springing from a common creative heritage, delivers a glimpse of the immortal Russian Soul and has influenced modern literary trends.