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Masterpieces by English authors abd translated into English
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    Повелитель мухдобавил книгу на полкуIn english4 месяца назад
    "No longer human" is a dramatic story by Osamu Dazai.
    This book contains memoirs of the young man from the Japanese country. It's a story about Japan ten years before World War II, filled with horror and drama.
  • Повелитель мухдобавил книгу на полкуIn english4 месяца назад
    I've finished to read “Agnes Grey”, and want to express my opinion.
    “Agnes Grey” is a romantic novel by Ann Brontë, one of the “governess novel” genre books. It's a story about the young woman, that survived a plenty of trials on her way to find her love.

    Main character is a reckless girl, and when her father gets sick, and family is in a state of misfortune, she leaves her home to get an employment as a governess in a rich conceited family. Agnes struggled with a lot of afflictions and had to cope with a rudeness of kids and their parents.

    Main character, Agnes, is humble and helpful young spirit. Notwithstanding her shyness, miss Grey is independent and proud, and she fell in love with a young parson of the local church, Mr. Weston, and they get married soon.

    The book raises the issue of class inequality and poverty, sometimes it was too hyperbolised though.

    What I didn't like is that I could skip a half of the parts. Sometimes author at length describes things that aren't… so important? And the main conflict wasn't raised enough.
    And as for me, the plot was pretty poor. Nothing happened. Literally.

    In general, it was not bad, but I wish there were more particularly conflict and more scenes, that could show us characters, because they are mostly absolutely pale and flat. If you like “Jane Eyre”, you may like it.