grain of sense – капля смысла
You’re thinking about something, my dear, – said the Duchess, – and you forget to talk. I can’t tell you now what the moral of that is.’
‘Perhaps there is no moral at all,’ Alice remarked.
‘What?’ said the Duchess. ‘Everything has got a moral, if only you can find it
That’s none of your business
do,’ Alice hastily replied; ‘at least-at least I mean what I say-that’s the same thing, you know.’
‘Not the same thing at all!’ said the Hatter. ‘You can say “I see what I eat” is the same thing as “I eat what I see”!’
‘You can say,’ added the March Hare, ‘that “I like what I get” is the same thing as “I get what I like”!’
‘You can say,’ added the Dormouse in its sleep, ‘that “I breathe when I sleep” is the same thing as “I sleep when I breathe”!’
‘It is the same thing to you,’ said the Hatter, and here the conversation dropped, and they sat silent for a minute.
dreadfully – чудовищно
explanation – объяснение
good-natured – добродушный
grunt – хрюкать
handsome – красивый
I don’t care – мне всё равно
it doesn’t matter – не имеет значения
remember – вспоминать
somewhere- куда-нибудь
teeth – зубы
timidly – робко
The cause of this was the fan that she was holding, and she dropped it hastily.
Она решила встать и pick цветов, когда внезапно nearby пробежал Белый Кролик с розовыми глазами.