Svyatoslav Biryulin worked for many years in senior management positions. Svyatoslav’s total management experience exceeds 25 years, 14 of which he worked as CEO of companies with an annual turnover of $200+ million and a staffing level of more than 1,000 people.
This book is written from the position of a person who has led people most of his life. The book is a comprehensive exploration of the management experience, including the honest narrative of his own mistakes and failures.
the author says a manager should spend up to 70–80% of their time talking to their subordinates. If they joined this company recently, it should be up to 90%. And not just during formal meetings; chatting over coffee or during lunch can be equally valuable.
a middle manager in a company where chaos reigns instinctively looks for a “box”, a place in which they will feel safe. It’s usually their own department. They set the rules there, they are able to maintain control there.